14º salário: entidades e sindicatos pressionam governo e benefício deve movimentar a economia no natal

O Sindicato Nacional dos Aposentados, Pensionistas e Idosos encaminhou ofício ao deputado Rodrigo Maia, presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, cobrando posição para que o 14º salário emergencial seja implementado aos beneficiários ligados ao INSS. A proposta surgiu pela manifestação popular através do Portal E-Cidadania e transformou-se no Projeto de Lei n° 3657, de 2020.

Para João Inocentini, presidente do Sindnapi, “Além de amparar os mais vulneráveis, o 14º salário injetaria milhões na economia em todos os municípios do país, que sofrem forte crise devido à pandemia”.
A crise econômica provocada pela pandemia que, segundo o IBGE, já fechou 713 mil empresas no país e desencadeou milhões de desempregos, também impacta nas vidas dos aposentados e pensionistas.
De acordo com dados da Previdência, 67,5% dos aposentados e pensionistas brasileiros sobrevivem com um salário mínimo, atuais R$ 1.045,00, valores que obrigam 21% dos beneficiários já aposentados a seguirem trabalhando para assegurarem uma qualidade de vida digna.
A implementação do 14º salário aos aposentados e pensionistas ampararia socialmente cerca de 10 milhões de cidadãos economicamente ativos que perderam o emprego com a crise e passaram a depender da ajuda de familiares beneficiários do INSS.
O benefício emergencial aos aposentados seria também essencial para movimentar as economias de 64% dos municípios, que dependem da renda beneficiários do INSS.
“Vários segmentos da sociedade receberam o justo amparo do governo, porém, somente os aposentados e pensionistas ficaram de fora. Isso não é razoável”, enfatizou Inocentini.  M
O Sindicato Nacional dos Aposentados seguirá cobrando o Congresso Nacional pela implementação do 14º salário aos aposentados e pensionistas brasileiros, uma vez que além do caráter humanitário e também uma medida para preservar a economia, principalmente dos médios e pequenos comércios, responsáveis por milhões de empregos no país.

Andarilhos Queluzianos promovem festa de 14 anos e exaltam o protagonismo do grupo

Aconteceu ontem, dia 17, a tradicional confraternização de 14 anos de plena atividade esportiva e de filantropia do Grupo Andarilhos Queluzianos. Para celebrar a simbólica data, na Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, foi celebrada uma missa de ação de graças e em seguida o tradicional jantar dançante no Clube Dom Pedro II.

A alegrai tomou conta do grupo

Em meio ao companheirismo, o clima de alegria reinou no recinto. Muito além das caminhadas, o grupo promove ações sociais e de filantropia beneficiando entidades lafaietenses evidenciando o protagonismo social.

Em um vídeo produzido por integrantes do grupo foram exibidas imagens ilustrativas das ações promovidas e as 11 caminhadas de 2018 pelos vales e montanhas da região e de Minas. Cada andarilho foi homenageado pela diretoria com um vaso de flor. O Presidente, Mário Lúcio Caetano, enalteceu a união e harmonia internas entre os andarilhos e o pioneirismo do grupo.

Celebração contou com o bolo de aniversário do grupo

Em meio a música, foi servido um fato jantar regado a saborosas sobremesas. Ao final o clima de descontração tomou o ambiente com trenzinho de andarilhos percorrendo o recinto do restaurante. Já com os ânimos aflorados, ainda sobrou tempo para que alguns andarilhos subissem ao palco para cantar algumas canções.

A próxima caminhada está marcada para o dia 15 de dezembro encerrando o calendário de eventos de um dos grupos mais organizados de Lafaiete cujo principal lema é promover o bem comum e exercer o espírito de solidariedade.

Black Lives Matter Protesters Deface Jefferson’s Statue at UV.

You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You’ll be more than appreciated of such feature!

With perfectly balanced clean style Kava theme becomes a natural choice if You’re looking for the theme to be easily transformed into E-Store, for example.

Kava contains 30 demos as for now, and we’re planning to release more! Except astonishing demos, Kava theme has more and more beneficial features for users, business, companies, developers, bloggers and other categories of users. Even if you are an absolute beginner in website building, you’ll appreciate Elementor page builder’s simplicity and comfortable visual mode. Jet plugins were specially developed to provide users with additional functionality in this page editor. Jet plugins main advantage is containing modules which are not included in standard Elementor bundle.

There Are No Limits to Define Your Style.

Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements, necessary for successful online trading. Your customers will appreciate your site look and definitely recommend it via their social media accounts. There are limitless options, which can be implemented. Kava theme fully meets the requirements of responsiveness to display your web site perfectly on all devices. Kava will adapt your site automatically, so your visitors will be able to enter the site from either mobile phone or stationery PC.

You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You also get many other useful features.

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements.

Lifetime Subscription gives you much wider opportunities of using the theme and its benefits. There is such an amazing service as lifetime updates of all plugins. Kava is equipped with such stunning plugins as JetElements, JetMenu, JetBlogs and other Jets. Besides, you will get all your plugins updated as well. This feature is great, because all of our plugins are beeing upgraded constantly.

You Get More with Lifetime Subscribtion

We enhance them with additional features, options and add brand-new tools, so your theme would work much better. Another benefit of lifetime subscribtion is access to all demos. In future we’re planning to update our demos collection with new items. Our today’s collection includes 30 demos. Their main characteristic is that they fit almost every topic. There are either variants for online shops, blogs, business companies and sport clubs. If you’re planning to expand your business spheres, this may be an attractive bonus for you!

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. With its affordable price it is more than beneficial for every user!

Kava is one of the most easy to use themes for WordPress, being at the same time incredibly functional! It fits either beginners, developers and bloggers. Stunning demos were designed by the best experts!

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You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You’ll be more than appreciated of such feature!

With perfectly balanced clean style Kava theme becomes a natural choice if You’re looking for the theme to be easily transformed into E-Store, for example.

Kava contains 30 demos as for now, and we’re planning to release more! Except astonishing demos, Kava theme has more and more beneficial features for users, business, companies, developers, bloggers and other categories of users. Even if you are an absolute beginner in website building, you’ll appreciate Elementor page builder’s simplicity and comfortable visual mode. Jet plugins were specially developed to provide users with additional functionality in this page editor. Jet plugins main advantage is containing modules which are not included in standard Elementor bundle.

There Are No Limits to Define Your Style.

Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements, necessary for successful online trading. Your customers will appreciate your site look and definitely recommend it via their social media accounts. There are limitless options, which can be implemented. Kava theme fully meets the requirements of responsiveness to display your web site perfectly on all devices. Kava will adapt your site automatically, so your visitors will be able to enter the site from either mobile phone or stationery PC.

You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You also get many other useful features.

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements.

Lifetime Subscription gives you much wider opportunities of using the theme and its benefits. There is such an amazing service as lifetime updates of all plugins. Kava is equipped with such stunning plugins as JetElements, JetMenu, JetBlogs and other Jets. Besides, you will get all your plugins updated as well. This feature is great, because all of our plugins are beeing upgraded constantly.

You Get More with Lifetime Subscribtion

We enhance them with additional features, options and add brand-new tools, so your theme would work much better. Another benefit of lifetime subscribtion is access to all demos. In future we’re planning to update our demos collection with new items. Our today’s collection includes 30 demos. Their main characteristic is that they fit almost every topic. There are either variants for online shops, blogs, business companies and sport clubs. If you’re planning to expand your business spheres, this may be an attractive bonus for you!

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. With its affordable price it is more than beneficial for every user!

Kava is one of the most easy to use themes for WordPress, being at the same time incredibly functional! It fits either beginners, developers and bloggers. Stunning demos were designed by the best experts!

How To Look Like You Spent The Time At The Beach

You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You’ll be more than appreciated of such feature!

With perfectly balanced clean style Kava theme becomes a natural choice if You’re looking for the theme to be easily transformed into E-Store, for example.

Kava contains 30 demos as for now, and we’re planning to release more! Except astonishing demos, Kava theme has more and more beneficial features for users, business, companies, developers, bloggers and other categories of users. Even if you are an absolute beginner in website building, you’ll appreciate Elementor page builder’s simplicity and comfortable visual mode. Jet plugins were specially developed to provide users with additional functionality in this page editor. Jet plugins main advantage is containing modules which are not included in standard Elementor bundle.

There Are No Limits to Define Your Style.

Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements, necessary for successful online trading. Your customers will appreciate your site look and definitely recommend it via their social media accounts. There are limitless options, which can be implemented. Kava theme fully meets the requirements of responsiveness to display your web site perfectly on all devices. Kava will adapt your site automatically, so your visitors will be able to enter the site from either mobile phone or stationery PC.

You get professionally prepared high resolution images with Kava. Your visitor’s screen size is detected and re-scaled version of your web page automatically delivered accordingly. You also get many other useful features.

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. Add multiple WooCommerce widgets presented as pre-designed modules and equip your store with breathtaking widgets and elements.

Lifetime Subscription gives you much wider opportunities of using the theme and its benefits. There is such an amazing service as lifetime updates of all plugins. Kava is equipped with such stunning plugins as JetElements, JetMenu, JetBlogs and other Jets. Besides, you will get all your plugins updated as well. This feature is great, because all of our plugins are beeing upgraded constantly.

You Get More with Lifetime Subscribtion

We enhance them with additional features, options and add brand-new tools, so your theme would work much better. Another benefit of lifetime subscribtion is access to all demos. In future we’re planning to update our demos collection with new items. Our today’s collection includes 30 demos. Their main characteristic is that they fit almost every topic. There are either variants for online shops, blogs, business companies and sport clubs. If you’re planning to expand your business spheres, this may be an attractive bonus for you!

Kava is a unified mulipurpose theme with tons of options, features, innovative tools, high-quality images, top-notch plugins and many other elemets. With its affordable price it is more than beneficial for every user!

Kava is one of the most easy to use themes for WordPress, being at the same time incredibly functional! It fits either beginners, developers and bloggers. Stunning demos were designed by the best experts!


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